EES-samningurinn einskins virđi, veitir falskt öryggi

Farsóttin fer illa međ moldvörpurnar í stjórnarráđinu sem ár og síđ segja okkur ađ EES-samningurinn sé trygging fyrir utanríkisviđskiptum Íslands.

Gulli utanríkis er talsmađur ESB-sinna í stjórnarráđinu og hann heldur áfram ađ verja ţađ sem er óverjandi, EES-samninginn.

Fyrir löngu átti ađ vera búiđ ađ setja upp EES-samningnum og koma utanríkisviđskiptum okkar í annađ horf en ađ halda Íslandi í stöđu hjálendu Evrópusambandsins. Sölubann ESB brot á EES-samningnum
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1 Smámynd: Benedikt Halldórsson

Saman sigldum viđ í EES "samstöđu" ađ feigđarósi. 

Sumir röreygir bloggarar virđast halda ađ viđ séum í AES (ameríska efnahagssvćđinu) og eru ţví ađ vonum mjög ósáttir viđ vonda kallinn Trump. 

Benedikt Halldórsson, 19.3.2020 kl. 16:53

2 Smámynd: Benedikt Halldórsson

The problem for the EU, though, is that it has maintained this lackadaisical approach long after it became clear that the virus was going to develop into a global...

After weeks of prevarication, the EU finally imposed measures to ban travellers from outside the bloc for 30 days. The measure is expected to apply to 26 EU states as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The ban will not apply to citizens from the UK and Ireland.

Consequently, the EUs failure to address the coronavirus issue earlier has resulted in the Schengen Agreement, which stipulates that the citizens of any EU state can travel freely throughout the union, becoming null and void.

The EUs commitment to Schengen was one of the key factors that persuaded U.S. President Donald Trump to impose his initial travel ban on continental Europe, claiming -- correctly -- that the EU was being far too complacent in its response to tackling the virus....

The sudden imposition of new border controls in Europe is already having a serious impact on the trading arrangements between different EU member states.... 

Moreover, the EUs inability to provide effective leadership in terms of responding to the coronavirus challenge has led to an increase in tensions between key member states, tensions that could ultimately threaten the survival of the EU in its current manifestation.

Con Coughlin is the Telegraph's Defence and Foreign Affairs Editor and a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Gatestone Institute.

Benedikt Halldórsson, 19.3.2020 kl. 17:18

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