Þriðjudagur, 10. desember 2019
Píratar hata jólin, elska spillingu
Jólin eru ,,tilfinningaleg kúgun" segir einn þingmaður Pírata á meðan annar er hugfanginn af spillingu.
Jaðarhópur eins og Píratar eru nauðsynlegir hverju samfélagi, þjóna sama hlutverki og hirðfífl í konungsgarði forðum.
Umburðalyndi og velmegun þjóðarinnar má lesa úr því að heill þingflokkur er á opinberu framfæri til þess eins að gera uppsteyt á þingi og níða skóinn af samborgurum sínum.
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Hótaði að slíta þingfundi vegna framíkalla |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Úr erlendum fréttum sem ekki rata ekki til Íslands vegna vandamála heima fyrir.
Tillitsamir norðmenn.
A teacher at the school explained that she had "made a conscious decision not to buy napkins with Merry Christmas - written on them" or to use a red tablecloth or red tree ornaments because - certain religions are very sensitive" and care needs to be taken "not to offend anyone.
The Norwegian government has recently spent well over $100,000 to convert churches in Stavanger and Skien into mosques...
Fjögur þúsund kristnir drepnir vegna trúar sinnar.
4,305 Christians were killed for their faith from 2017 to 2019, and 1,847 churches and other Christian buildings were attacked in the same period.
RÚV sendir rannsóknarsveit til Afríku og....
Boko Haram - has terrorised Christian communities in Nigeria for the last decade and has now splintered and spread its violent ideology into Cameroon, Niger and Chad.— Staff writer, Christian Today, August 8, 2019.
Svíar eru blindir heima en vilja bjarga heiminum...
In Sweden, crucial societal issues, such as who is behind the current crime epidemic, are a public taboo.
While Christian and secular countries rightly permit Muslims to preach, convert, and instruct non-Muslims, 25 Muslim states forbid proselytization and have laws saying that Muslims who convert to another faith may be put to death as apostates.
-Any criticism of Islam is now blasphemy. — Ivan Rioufol, columnist, Le Figaro, November 4, 2019.
Píratar vilja...
Marijuana has been listed as the most common drug involved in fatal car accidents, contributing to 12 percent of 2010 crashes compared with 4 percent in 1999, the last time such data was available.
Flestir vísindamenn eru sammála um A, en þeir sem aðhyllast B, geta átt von á ofsóknum eins og þeir sem voga sér að...
The word "Islamophobia" deliberately intends to transform the critique of a religion -- a fundamental right in Western societies -- into a crime.
Á Íslandi er umburðarlyndi og víðsýni í regnbogans litum en ekki ef...
Adam and Rami are among scores of Palestinian members of the LTBGQ community who, in the past few decades, have fled their homes to seek shelter in Israel. Yet, their plight is totally ignored not only by human rights organizations, but by but by people who purport to be advocates of gay rights. This is part of a far more malignant story: when Israel looks good, the international community looks away.
Það er samdóma álít "menningarinnar" að málfrelsið sé ekki ókeypis...
-I love my freedom. I am aware of the very real threat to that freedom from Islamic fascism and I am not going to pander to them or justify it like many people on the left are doing. — The artist Mimsy, whose artwork was removed from an exhibit entitled Passion for Freedom at the Mall Gallery, London, on the grounds that it might be "potentially inflammatory.
Benedikt Halldórsson, 10.12.2019 kl. 18:33
William Shakespeare lýsir hirðfíflum og hlutverki þeirra með virðingu í leikritinu Þrettándakvöldi, og rökstyður þá niðurstöðu sína svo vel, að hið bráðnauðsynlega hlutverk skops hjá rithöfundum og leikurum hefur varla verið skilgreint betur síðan.
Ómar Ragnarsson, 10.12.2019 kl. 21:52
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.