Mánudagur, 9. júlí 2012
Mútufé og myrkraverk ríkisstjórnarinnar
Ríkisstjórnin hélt leyndu ţví áliti tveggja lagaprófessora, Bjargar Thorarensen og Stefáns Más Stefánssonar, ađ ţátttaka Íslands í viđskiptum Evrópusambandsins međ mengunarkvóta bryti í bága viđ stjórnarskrána. Ţátttakan í ţessum viđskipitum fćli í sér meira valdaframsal en stjórnarskráin leyfđi. Lög sem eru forsenda fyrir viđskiptunum voru samţykkt í flýti rétt fyrir ţinglok.
Rök umhverfisráđherra eru ađ Íslendingar gćtu grćtt á ţessum viđskiptum og var vísađ í afstöđu Samtaka atvinnulífins. Ţar á bć kannast menn ekki viđ ađ hafa uppi sérstakar óskir um ađ brjóta stjórnarskrá lýđveldisins til ađ grćđa fáeinar evrur.
Í ađlögunarferlinu ađ Evrópusambandinu er komiđ mynstur hjá ríkisstjórn Jóhönnu Sig. Mynstriđ er ofiđ úr ţrem ţáttum: leyndarhyggju, ćđibunugangi og mútufé.
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„Ţetta eru vond vinnubrögđ“ |
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt |
ráđum kemur ömmi úr fríi og segir ađ ţetta gangi ekki lengur......
GB (IP-tala skráđ) 9.7.2012 kl. 11:41
Bráđum afs.
GB (IP-tala skráđ) 9.7.2012 kl. 11:45
Mér finnst mega leggja ţađ ađ jöfnu ađ segja alţingi ósatt og leyna ţađ mikilvćgum upplýsingum varđandi ţingmál. Og álit prófessoranna er svo sannarlega mikilvćgt, eins ţótt stjórnin fái lögfrćđinga úr flokkum sínum eđa embćttismannakerfinu til ađ gefa út gagnstćđ álit. Ţetta ţarf ađ rannsaka, og sé máliđ jafn slćmt og fréttin gefur til kynna, ćtti viđkomandi ráđherra eđa stjórnin öll ađ vera ţakklát fyrir ađ mega verja gerđir sínar fyrir Landsdómi. Ţađ á ekki ađ umgangast stjórnarskrána eins og ómerkilegasta hortittinn í lagasafninu.
Sigurđur (IP-tala skráđ) 9.7.2012 kl. 11:48
Eff ţesu hefur veriđ haldiđ leyndu, er ţađ ţá ekki samsćri um ađ fremja stjórnarskrárbrot? Og er slíkt athćfi ekki viđfangsefni fyrir Landsdóm?
Guđmundur Ásgeirsson, 9.7.2012 kl. 16:53
If you are the jet setting or celebration goer who keeps buying and bringing together with you attractiveness solutions ranging from the hand gel, to lip balm,
moisturizer, mascara and compact powder, to not mention your favored fragrance inside of a bottle then you certainly most likely possess a aesthetic case.
In this case, spending over a little bag for attractiveness pieces as nicely as other individual consequences which can be not merely handy but appears amazing for
just about any event may be a acceptable luxury. <br><a href="http://www.michaelkorsofficialoutlet.com/michael-kors-2012-news-c-89.html"><strong>Michael Kors 2012
aesthetic bag can hold your make-up, epidermis care, and favored scent from residence to operate to interpersonal gatherings – in style.
<p>closure, easy-to-clean lining, and perfect of all, an eye-catching style and design (often coordinated having a big tote/carryall) to fit your personality, to not
mention durable fabric.Fortunately, primary luxury life style products makers like <br><a href="http://www.michaelkorsofficialoutlet.com/michael-kors-totes-c-
69.html"><strong>Michael Kors Totes</strong></a><br>
have appear out with enticing new bag innovations in unique sizes to hold the modern day lady for the go’s individual stuff – with flair. Most custom aesthetic
carryalls, such as the <br><a href="http://www.michaelkorsofficialoutlet.com/michael-kors-bedford-totes-c-75.html"><strong>Michael Kors Bedford Totes</strong></a><br>
aesthetic case, are not merely practical but visually appealing, and appear with specific particulars like supple leather-based and inside pouches and elastic
pockets. they are issues that ladies can use.
One instance of the <a href="http://www.michaelkorsofficialoutlet.com"><strong>Micheal Kors Outlet 2013</strong></a>
aesthetic purse capabilities patchwork in numerous shades of blue. The bag is trimmed in brown leather. There are quite a few other great-looking <a
href="http://www.michaelkorsofficialoutlet.com/michael-kors-classic-bag-c-86.html"><strong>Michael Kors Classic Bag</strong></a> thetic bags and wristlets, a few of them
with arresting patterns such as the mod graphic print as nicely as the Michael Korslogo patch. <br><a href="http://www.hermes-birkinkelly.com/hermes-new-arrivals-c-268.html"><strong>Hermes New Arrivals</strong></a><br>are produced from your finest leathers, silks and fabrics so the superior is clearly reflected in each Hermes handbag.<br><a href="http://www.hermes-birkinkelly.com/hermes-bags-2012-c-267.html"><strong>Hermes Bags 2012</strong></a><br> are versatile which enables it to go just about anyplace. Hermes bags
always try to have classic status, and catch the pace of the current fashion trend. Hermes handbags would always be known as of top quality and very refined design. If
you have a very glance at them, you will probably be very hard for to refuse them.
To begin with, you have the concern connected with in which to go when looking for your hot duplicate handbag to obtain. When you have enough self-confidence to get a
normal <a href="http://www.hermes-birkinkelly.com/hermes-shoulder-birkin-c-243.html/"><strong>Hermes Shoulder Birkin</strong></a> that will markets look-alike
handbags, just do it, nonetheless among the finest and many risk-free an approach to obtaining a Hermes outlet online store good quality duplicate bag can be through
browsing on the internet. You will quickly realize that there are several internet sellers offering top quality bags, however it may be challenging to find out which
often websites tend to be very good in addition to which have been terrible.<a href="http://www.hermes-birkinkelly.com/hermes-mens-bags-c-271.html/"><strong>Hermes Men's bags</strong></a>
Although every woman can update her handbags on a yearly basis or every season, they are quite strict with the Hermes bags. This will also improve your confidence
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birkinkelly.com"><strong>Hermes Kelly Bags</strong></a> only sells the top quality Hermes bag with genuine leather.<br><a href="http://www.hermes-birkinkelly.com/hermes-belts-c-258.html"><strong>Hermes Belts</strong></a><br>
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<br><a href="http://www.hermes-birkinkelly.com/hermes-new-arrivals-c-268.html"><strong>Hermes New Arrivals</strong></a><br>
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<br><a href="http://www.hermes-birkinkelly.com/hermes-belts-c-258.html"><strong>Hermes Belts</strong></a><br>
<br><a href="http://www.hermes-birkinkelly.com/hermes-jypsiere-c-264.html"><strong>Hermes Jypsiere</strong></a><br>
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michael kors handbags (IP-tala skráđ) 10.7.2012 kl. 06:08
If you are the jet setting or celebration goer who keeps buying and bringing together with you attractiveness solutions ranging from the hand gel, to lip balm,
moisturizer, mascara and compact powder, to not mention your favored fragrance inside of a bottle then you certainly most likely possess a aesthetic case.
In this case, spending over a little bag for attractiveness pieces as nicely as other individual consequences which can be not merely handy but appears amazing for
just about any event may be a acceptable luxury.
[b]Michael Kors 2012
aesthetic bag can hold your make-up, epidermis care, and favored scent from residence to operate to interpersonal gatherings – in style.
closure, easy-to-clean lining, and perfect of all, an eye-catching style and design (often coordinated having a big tote/carryall) to fit your personality, to not
mention durable fabric.Fortunately, primary luxury life style products makers like
[url=http://www.michaelkorsofficialoutlet.com/michael-kors-totes-c-][b]Michael Kors Totes[/b][/url]
have appear out with enticing new bag innovations in unique sizes to hold the modern day lady for the go’s individual stuff – with flair. Most custom aesthetic
carryalls, such as the
[url=http://www.michaelkorsofficialoutlet.com/michael-kors-bedford-totes-c-75.html][b]Michael Kors Bedford Totes[/b][/url]
aesthetic case, are not merely practical but visually appealing, and appear with specific particulars like supple leather-based and inside pouches and elastic
pockets. they are issues that ladies can use.
One instance of the [url=http://www.michaelkorsofficialoutlet.com][b]Micheal Kors Outlet 2013[/b][/url]
aesthetic purse capabilities patchwork in numerous shades of blue. The bag is trimmed in brown leather. There are quite a few other great-looking [url=http://www.michaelkorsofficialoutlet.com/michael-kors-classic-bag-c-86.html][b]Michael Kors Classic Bag[/b][/url] thetic bags and wristlets, a few of them
with arresting patterns such as the mod graphic print as nicely as the Michael Korslogo patch.
[url=http://www.hermes-birkinkelly.com/hermes-new-arrivals-c-][b]Hermes New Arrivals[/b][/url]
are produced from your finest leathers, silks and fabrics so the superior is clearly reflected in each Hermes
[url=http://www.hermes-birkinkelly.com/hermes-bags-2012-c-267.html][b]Hermes Bags 2012[/b][/url]
are versatile which enables it to go just
about anyplace. Hermes bags
always try to have classic status, and catch the pace of the current fashion trend. Hermes handbags would always be known as of top quality and very refined design. If
you have a very glance at them, you will probably be very hard for to refuse them.
To begin with, you have the concern connected with in which to go when looking for your hot duplicate handbag to obtain. When you have enough self-confidence to get a
normal [url=http://www.hermes-birkinkelly.com/hermes-shoulder-birkin-c-243.html/][b]Hermes Shoulder Birkin[/b][/url] that will markets look-alike
handbags, just do it, nonetheless among the finest and many risk-free an approach to obtaining a Hermes outlet online store good quality duplicate bag can be through
browsing on the internet. You will quickly realize that there are several internet sellers offering top quality bags, however it may be challenging to find out which
often websites tend to be very good in addition to which have been terrible.[b]Hermes
Men's bags[/b]
Although every woman can update her handbags on a yearly basis or every season, they are quite strict with the Hermes bags. This will also improve your confidence
level as you will be wearing the just right Hermes bag that is in-fashion these days. You will look great as you know that you are perfect.[url=http://www.hermes-][b]Hermes Kelly Bags[/b][/url] only sells the top quality Hermes bag with genuine leather.
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[url=http://www.michaelkorsofficialoutlet.com/michael-kors-bedford-totes-c-75.html][b]Michael Kors Bedford Totes[/b][/url]
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[url=http://www.hermes-birkinkelly.com/hermes-birkin-30cm-c-240.html][b]Hermes Birkin 30CM[/b][/url]
[url=http://www.hermes-birkinkelly.com/hermes-shoulder-birkin-c-243.html][b]Hermes Shoulder Birkin[/b][/url]
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[url=http://www.coach--outletonlineusa.com/coach-handbags-2012-new-arrival-c-259.html][b]Coach Handbags 2012 New Arrival[/b][/url]
[url=http://www.coach--outletonlineusa.com/coach-business-bags-c-243.html][b]Coach Business Bags[/b][/url]
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[url=http://www.coach--outletonlineusa.com/coach-wallets-new-arrival-c-247.html][b]Coach Wallets New Arrival[/b][/url]
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[url=http://www.coach--outletonlineusa.com/coach-alexandra-bags-c-245.html][b]Coach Alexandra Bags[/b][/url]
fashion handbags (IP-tala skráđ) 10.7.2012 kl. 06:09
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.