ESB-sinnar styðja skyndi-Icesave

Aðildarsinnar styðja hraðafgreiðslu Icesave-málsins á alþingi án aðkomu þjóðarinnar í almennri atkvæðagreiðslu. Evrópusambandið gerði Icesave-málið að skilyrði fyrir áframhaldandi aðlögunarviðræðum Íslands að Evrópusambandinu. Tilvitnun í Financial Times á vefsetri Heimssýnar segir það sem segja þarf

The European Union told Iceland on Thursday that it would not be admitted into the 27-nation bloc unless it resolved differences with the Netherlands and the UK over compensation for investors in Icesave, a failed Icelandic online bank. The announcement, contained in a draft statement from European leaders at a summit in Brussels, removed some of the gloss from a simultaneous declaration that the EU was ready to start formal entry talks with Iceland. “Obligations that Iceland has with the Netherlands and the UK need to be met,” Jan Peter Balkenende, the outgoing Dutch prime minister, told reporters."

 "EU tells Iceland to meet Icesave obligations" (Financial Times 17. júní 2010)

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