Samfylkingin ţakkar krónunni efnahagsbatann

Samfylkingin sendir út tölvubréf ţar sem vitnađ er í tvo nóbelsverđlaunađa hagfrćđinga, Joseph Stiglitz og Paul Krugman, sem báđir telja krónuna hafa komiđ Íslandi til bjargar. Samfylkingin er í nokkur ár búin ađ hallmćla krónunni og kallađ hana ónýtan gjaldmiđil. Í hremmingum síđustu ára er ţađ krónan verkfćriđ sem dugir hvađ best og vonum seinna ađ Samfylkingin skilji ţađ.

Er Eyjólfur ađ hressast? Er nćsta skref ađ draga umsóknina tilabaka?

Hér ađ neđan fylgir útsending Samfylkingarinnar.

Heil og sćl,
Sjá hér ađ neđan ykkur til upplýsingar og fróđleiks merkilega umfjöllun um Ísland og árangur ríkisstjórnarinnar, sem vekur athygli ekki eins, heldur tveggja  nóbelsverđlaunahafa.
Iceland Resurfaces
"After letting its biggest banks collapse, the recovering island nation shows harsh medicine can work."
“Iceland did the right thing by making sure its payment systems continued to function while creditors, not the taxpayers, shouldered the losses of banks,” says Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, an economics professor at Columbia University in New York. “Ireland’s done all the wrong things, on the other hand. That’s probably the worst model.”
" Arni Pall Arnason, 44, Iceland's minister of economic affairs, says the decision to make debt holders share the pain saved the country's future. "If we'd guaranteed all the banks' liabilities, we'd be in the same situation as Ireland."
"By guaranteeing bank liabilites, Ireland faces a public debt burden as high as 12 times the country´s GDP. Iceland´s is about 85 percent."
Comparative Peripheral Suffering
Paul Krugman skrifar í New York Times
"Under the recovery program, Iceland’s recession has been shallower than expected, and no worse than in less hard-hit countries."
"So as I’ve said, Iceland has hardly gotten off unscathed — but it has done much better than almost anyone expected."


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1 Smámynd: Axel Ţór Kolbeinsson

Axel Ţór Kolbeinsson, 4.2.2011 kl. 18:01

2 identicon

Samfylkingaliđar eru afar seinheppnir... vćgast sagt.

Guđmundur 2. Gunnarsson (IP-tala skráđ) 4.2.2011 kl. 19:24

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