Fischer: stækkun ESB hluti valdvæðingar sambandsins

Evrópusambandið lítur á stækkun sambandsins sem lið í valdvæðingu þess andspænis aukinni rússneskri ógn, segir fyrrum utanríkisráðherra Þýskalands Joschka Fischer og leggur áherslu á að öryggishagsmuni ESB verði að taka af meiri alvöru .

The EU's enlargement policy is not merely some expensive, expendable annoyance; it is a vital component of the EU's security and outward projection of power. Safety comes with a price tag.

Fischer heggur í sama knérunn og Jean-Claude Juncker verðandi leiðtogi miðhægrimanna á Evrópuþingi sem segir stofnun Evrópuhers nauðsyn.

Vegna valdaskaks Rússa í Austur-Evrópu vígvæðist Evrópusambandið, fyrst með orðum en brátt með vopnum.  

Íslendingar eiga að þvo hendur sínar af herbrölti stórveldanna á meginlandi álfunnar.




The EU’s enlargement policy is not merely some expensive, expendable annoyance; it is a vital component of the EU’s security and outward projection of power. Safety comes with a price tag.
The EU’s enlargement policy is not merely some expensive, expendable annoyance; it is a vital component of the EU’s security and outward projection of power. Safety comes with a price tag.


The EU’s enlargement policy is not merely some expensive, expendable annoyance; it is a vital component of the EU’s security and outward projection of power. Safety comes with a price tag.
The EU’s enlargement policy is not merely some expensive, expendable annoyance; it is a vital component of the EU’s security and outward projection of power. Safety comes with a price tag.
Read more at Ræðir samskipti Íslands og ESB
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