Füle fegrar stöðu aðildarferlisins

Aðildarferli Íslands var ekki komið lengra en svo að tvö viðamestu sviðin, landbúnaður og sjávarútvegur, höfðu ekki verið rædd.

Í skýrslu, sem Füle kynnti sjálfur, segir

In the area of agriculture and rural development, Iceland’s policies are not aligned with the acquis. No further developments were reported in the areas of common market organisation, rural development and organic farming.

Iceland is partially aligned with the acquis on food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy. The current import restrictions on fresh meat and live animals are not in line with the acquis. There are gaps in legislation in the areas of animal by-products, food safety rules, plant health, genetically modified organisms and novel foods, and animal welfare. In the area of fisheries, Iceland applies a management system which has similar objectives to those pursued in the EU, but some rules differ considerably. Overall, Iceland’s fisheries policy is not in line with the acquis. Existing restrictions in the fisheries sector on freedom of establishment, services and capital movements as well as the management of shared fish stocks are not in line with the acquis

Þarna segir svart á hvítu að landbúnaður hefur ekki verið aðlagaður og að Ísland hafi ekki leyft að flytja inn lifandi dýr og ferskt kjöt. Um sjávarútveg segir að hann sé ekki rekinn á forsendum Evrópusambandsins.

Það er full bratt hjá stækkunarstjóranum að segja að lítið hafi verið eftir af samningum þegar sannanlega stærstu álitaefnin voru ekki einu sinni komin til umræðu.

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