Laugardagur, 14. apríl 2012
Verðtryggðar evrur handa elítunni
Elítan í Evrópusambandinu hefur ekki meiri trú á evrunni en svo að embættismenn í Seðlabanka Evrópu krefjast verðtryggingar á lífeyrisgreiðslum til sín. Þýska dagblaið Die Welt vekur athygli á tvískinnungi embættismanna.
Í einn stað segir elítan í Evrópusambandinu að evran tryggi verðstöðugleika en í annan stað heimtar hún verðtryggingu á lífeyrinn.
Evrópusambandið er sakað um að prenta peninga til að bjarga ónýtu efnahagskerfi jaðarríkja álfunnar. Peningaprentun leiðir til verðbólgu. Þess vegna vill elítan verðtryggja lífeyrinn sinn.
(Leiðrétting: fréttin, sem vísað er til, er úr Frakfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, ekki Welt. Þakka ábendingu frá lesanda, sjá aths.)
Elítan í ESB jafn ömurleg og aðrar elítur.
Líklega samt verri en flestar.
Það eru ekki margar elítur sem hafa 500 milljón þræla.
500 milljón þræla sem eiga ekki möguleika á að gera nokkurn skapaðan hlut til að losna við óværuna í Brussel.
jonasgeir (IP-tala skráð) 14.4.2012 kl. 16:15
Þetta eru starfsmenn Seðlabanka Evrópu. Varla mikil elíta þar á ferð. Annars er það nú þannig að Páll hérna er þræll íslensku elítunar og framkvæmir myrkvaverk hennar daglega. Sælir eru sauðir stendur einhverstaðar, og það á svo sannarlega við um Pál Vilhjámsson.
Jón Frímann Jónsson, 14.4.2012 kl. 16:30
Af hvrju heldur þú að starfsmenn EZB sú að fara fram á þetta? Þeir vita jú best blessaðir og bragð er að þá barnið finnur, eins og sagt er. Það stefnir nefnilega í óðaverðbólgu fyrr en margan grunar. Nú lána Kandamenn og Bandaríkjamenn ekki meira í þessa hringekju og eina ráðið er nú að prenta meira og míga í skóna þar til Ponzy millan springur í trýnið á þeim.
Fái starfsmenn EZB þetta samþykkt þá fylgir restin af elítunni í kjölfarið, þú mátt treysta því. Þetta er sennilega einn skýrasti vágboðinn sem komið hefur frá bandalaginu lengi og ekki mun traustið aukast við þessi teikn.
Það er komið panikk í elítuna. Þeir eru að reyna að raka til sín molunum áður en allt brestur og tryggja á sér rassgatið. Út á það gengur þetta jú allt saman.
Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, 14.4.2012 kl. 16:46
Þú Össur og sértrúarköltið munuð líklega túlka þetta sem augljósan vitnisburð um stöðugleika á Evrusvæðinu og jafnvel merki um það að Evrukrísunni sé hreinlega lokið, eða hvað?
Bíðið samt með það fram í Júní/Júlí. Það er von á frekari tíðindum nefnilega.Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, 14.4.2012 kl. 16:51
Skemmtilega kaldhæðið, og ákaflega mikið í stíl sértrúarfólks.
Boðar erindið fyrir almenning, en ætlar sjálfum sér önnur og betri örlög.
Annars hef ég hvergi séð betri rök gegn evrunni. Ef sjálfur útgefandi myntar treystir henni ekki, hver ætti að gera það?
Spurning hvort starfsmennirnir geri ekki hagstæða útskiptasamninga, svona áður en evrunni verður endanlega hent.
Hilmar (IP-tala skráð) 14.4.2012 kl. 16:54
Þetta minnir mig á nokkuð. Að fyrir hrun hérlendis fjárfesti Lífeyrissjóður bankamanna í öllu öðru en fjármálafyrirtækjunum sem greiddi þó félagsmönnum launin.
Með þeim fína árangri að sá lífeyrissjóður tapaði minnst af sambærilegum - eiginlega engu.
Því er ekki nema skynsamlegt að hlera hvað bankamenn ESB eru að hugsa og gera núna.
Kolbrún Hilmars, 14.4.2012 kl. 17:07
Íslenska elítan er lítil og aum, óttaleg grey miðað við ESB elítuna.
Meira að segja Jón Fríman í sérstrúarsöfnuðinum merkilega hlýtur að vera sammála því?
jonasgeir (IP-tala skráð) 14.4.2012 kl. 17:52
Óþarfi að sparka í Jón Frímann. Hann tilheyrir engri elítu, hvorki hér né þar. Það er honum næg refsing,
Kolbrún Hilmars, 14.4.2012 kl. 18:19
Páll Vilhjálmsson skilur ekki þýsku. Menn óttast verðbólgu, en sá ótti er alltaf fyrir hendi, jafnvel í stabílu landi eins og Sviss. Palli fær greitt fyrir kjánalegan hræðsluáróður og mörlandinn er fljótur að taka við sér. "Það stefnir í óðaverðbólgu" skrifar Jón Steinar í sinni óskhyggju. Bullukollur!
Haukur Kristinsson (IP-tala skráð) 14.4.2012 kl. 20:07
Haukur minn. Ekki er ég að greina þetta svona sjálfur heldur hef ég fyrir mér skrif síð'ustu dægra í öllum helstu miðlum um efnahagsmál. Þegar prentvélarnar fara á fullt hjá ESB, þá verður verðbólga. Það vita þeir hjá EZB og eru hér að segja að það liggi fyrir. Þekkir þú eitthvað til sögunnar þá er þetta hrollvekjandi kunnuglegt scenario og engu líkara en að sagan ætli að endurtaka sig.
Ef þú heldur að ég hafi þá ósk að allt fari til fjandans hjá ESB, þá misreiknar þú mig algerlega. Ég vona svo sannarlega að svo verði ekki og sé enga leið aðra en að leysa upp evrusamstarfið og fara með ESB á upphafsreit viðskipta og tollabandalags. Ekkert meira né minna.
Hrun í Evrópu bitnar óhjákvæmilega á okkur, sem og öllum heiminum. Heimskan, hrokinn og spillingin sem ræður ríkjum í ESB er að stefna þessu jafnvægi í voða. Það er von að sá sem ekki les annað en ritningasíður Eurostat og fagurgala gljáprentaðra bæklinga áróðusráðuneytannasé alveg clueless um hvað er í gangi.
Endilega haltu áfram að rökstyðja mál þitt með sama hætti og aðrir skoðanabræður þínir hér með að kalla fífl, bullukolla, hálfvita og þaðan af verra. Það sýnir svo vel hve marktækur þú ert.
Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, 14.4.2012 kl. 20:58
Félag starfsmanna við Seðlabanka Evrópu hafa sett fram kröfu um verðtryggingu lífeyris. Þessi krafa hefur sett stjórn bankans í nokkurn vanda. Helsta hlutverk bankans er tryggjaa stöðugleika í verðlagi. Ef þeir skrifa undir samning sem felur í sér vörn gegn verðbólgu væri það eins og að gera ráð fyrir því að bankinn muni ekki ná markmiðum sínum. Nú er ekki vitað hvaða lausn verður fundin á þessu máli. Að baki kröfunum býr augljóslega ótti við verðbólgu.Starfsmenn bankans mynda ekki elítu í neinum skilningi. Í hefðbunddnum kenningum um elítur er gert ráð fyrir að elíta sé lítill kjarni eða hópur fólkssem er einlita félagslega. Hópurinn hefur mikil völd og er auðugur. Hann hefur mikið félagslegt auðmagn. Hins vegar hef ég ekki minnstaa grun um hvað Páll á við þegar hann skrifar um elítu en það er annað mál og algjört aukaatriði.
gangleri (IP-tala skráð) 14.4.2012 kl. 21:41
Halló, Jón Steinar. Lestu greinina sem Páll vitnar og tengir í, þ.e.a.s. ef þú skilur þýsku. Greinin hefur yfirskriftina; "Kleingläubige EZB-Beamten", og er í blaðinu FAZ; "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", en ekki í "Die Welt", eins og Páll skrifar. Skiptir annars engu máli. Þarna eru á ferðinni blýantsnagarar, en ekki "elítan í EU", eins og Páll skrifar. Ekki trúa öllu sem frá Páli kemur. Kallinn er á launum fyrir vitleysuna. Ég fylgist vel með efnahagsmálun álfunnar, enda hef þar hagsmuna að gæta. Hef ekki lesið um neinar "hrollvekjandi scenarios", nema hjá þér hér norður á klakanum. "Heimska, hroki og spilling", er fremur lýsing á Íslandi, en EU landi.
Haukur Kristinsson (IP-tala skráð) 14.4.2012 kl. 21:52
Þú ert alveg út á þekju Gangleri þegar Páll talar um eklítu í EZB? Hefðbundnar kenningar um elítur? Hvejar eru þær? Wikipedia skilgreiningin er þessi:
An elite in political and sociological theory, is a small group of people who control a disproportionate amount of wealth and/or political power.
Hvað af þessu ertu grunlaus um minn kæri?
Þetta er líklega alveg út úr kortinu hjá Wikipediu að halda þessu fram, er það ekki? Þú telur líklega skörp skil á milli þess að vera auðugur og hafa pólitísk ítök eða jafnvel vera hvort tveggja með pólitísk og fjárhagsleg áhrif í samfélaginu?
Hvað þarf skilgreiningin að vera anal til að hún falli að þinni heimsmynd?
Á ekki við Seðlabankastarfsmenn en kannski um Evrópuráðið... Þetta á við alltaf nema þegar þeir sem hafa alla þræði í hendi sér í fjármálum heillar heimsálfu eiga í hlut...................................(Fyllist út að vild)
Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, 14.4.2012 kl. 22:01
Kjánar sem ennþá alveg nákvæmlega eins og árið 2007 voru alltaf vissir um að allt væri í svo fínum málum segja að allt sé svo fínt af því að hetjurnar segja að svo sé.
Er ekki nóg að sjá að seðlabankafólk vilja tryggja lífeyrin sinn gegn verðbólgu.
Langur texti um vonleysi kratagjaldmiðilsins EVRU;
Er George Soros líka bullukollur?
jonasgeir (IP-tala skráð) 14.4.2012 kl. 23:00
Ég las greinina Haukur. Ég mynda mér mínar eigin skoðanir, bara svo þú hafir það á hreinu. "Blýantsnagararnir" þínir hafa ladeilis vikt í ESB þykir mér. Hvað skyldi þá hin raunverulega Elíta eurocratana vikta? Það er kannski engin búrókratísk elíta í ESB? Engin nómenkladía? Þetta er líklega miklu hreinræktaðra fyrirbrygði en cccp?
Eigum við ekki bara að fallast á að þú hinkrir aðeins og sjáir hverju fram vindur áður en þú ibbar gogg frekar. Þú virðist gersamlega clueless hvort sem er. Þér fer kannski betur að spá svona ad hoc þar sem þú virðist aldrei opna blað né lesa bækur.
Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, 15.4.2012 kl. 01:12
"Þetta eru starfsmenn Seðlabanka Evrópu. Varla mikil elíta þar á ferð .."
Jón Frímann og aðrir miklir ESB sinnar
Hvernig er það, gleymst alveg í öllum þessum Já- áróðri sem hérna dælt var ofan í ykkur að minnast á ESB -Elítuna eða "blýantsnagara" (ATH. ESB er samtök fyrir elítuna) ?
Árið 1955 kom Bilderberg hópurinn (Bilderberg Group) sér saman um að skapa Evrópska Efnahagsbandalagið. Árið 1957 eða tveimur árum seinna, var Rómarsáttmálinn svo undirritaður er skapaði grundvöllinn fyrir Evrópska Efnahagsbandalagið (EES), síðan komu allar hugmyndir að Evrópusambandi (ESB) með þeas. Maastricht sáttmálanum og Evrópsku myntbandalagi og ESB Banka frá Bilderberg Grúppunni. Það er vitað að allt þetta lið þarna í Framkvæmdarstjórn ESB er og hefur ekki verið kosið heldur allt saman skipað af Bilderberg Grúppunni bakvið tjöldin, svo og þá var þessi nýi Forseti ESB Herman Van Rompuy einnig skipaður. Þannig að ef eitthvað af ykkur Já –sinnum vill fá gott embætti í þessu apparati ESB eða drasli, þá ættu þið að reyna nú að sleikja sér upp við þessa viðskipta –og banka elítu þarna í Bilderberg Grúppunni, þar sem ESB er eins og gefur að skilja ekki þekkt fyrir að vera lýðræðislegt .
The Sunday Harald, Who are These Bilderbergers and What Do They Do (30 May. 1999).
Andrew Rettman, “Jury out on Future of Europe, EU Doyen says” (16 March 2009).
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 15.4.2012 kl. 12:30
Conspiracy theories
According to chairman Étienne Davignon, a major attraction of Bilderberg group meetings is that they provide an opportunity for participants to speak and debate candidly and to find out what major figures really think, without the risk of off-the-cuff comments becoming fodder for controversy in the media.[29] However, partly because of its working methods to ensure strict privacy, the Bilderberg group is accused of conspiracies.[30][29][31][32][33] This outlook has been popular on both extremes of the political spectrum, even if they disagree on what the group wants to do. Some on the left accuse the Bilderberg group of conspiring to impose capitalist domination,[34] while some on the right have accused the group of conspiring to impose a world government and planned economy.[35]
Politico journalist Kenneth P. Vogel reports that it is the "exclusive roster of globally influential figures that has captured the interest of an international network of conspiracists," who for decades have seen the Bilderberg meetings as a "corporate-globalist scheme", and are convinced powerful elites are moving the planet toward an oligarchic “new world order”.[36] He goes on to state that these conspiracist's "populist paranoid worldview", characterized by a suspicion of the ruling class rather than any prevailing partisan or ideological affiliation, is widely articulated on overnight AM radio shows and numerous Internet websites.[36] Proponents of Bilderberg conspiracy theories in the United States include individuals and groups such as the John Birch Society,[35][37] political activist Phyllis Schlafly,[37] writer Jim Tucker,[38] political activist Lyndon LaRouche,[39] radio host Alex Jones,[1] and politician Jesse Ventura, who made the Bilderberg group a topic of a 2009 episode of his TruTV series Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.[40] Non-American proponents include Russian-Canadian writer Daniel Estulin.[41]
In 2001, Denis Healey, a Bilderberg group founder and, for 30 years, a steering committee member, said: "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing."[42] In 2005 Davignon discussed these accusations with the BBC: "It is unavoidable and it doesn't matter. There will always be people who believe in conspiracies but things happen in a much more incoherent fashion... When people say this is a secret government of the world I say that if we were a secret government of the world we should be bloody ashamed of ourselves."[33]
In a 1994 report Right Woos Left, published by the Political Research Associates, investigative journalist Chip Berlet argued that right-wing populist conspiracy theories about the Bilderberg group date back as early as 1964 and can be found in Schlafly's self-published book A Choice, Not an Echo,[43] which promoted a conspiracy theory in which the Republican Party was secretly controlled by elitist intellectuals dominated by members of the Bilderberger group, whose internationalist policies would pave the way for world communism.[44] Paradoxically, in August 2010 former Cuban president Fidel Castro wrote an article for the Cuban Communist Party newspaper Granma in which he cited Daniel Estulin’s 2006 book The Secrets of the Bilderberg Club [45], which, as quoted by Castro, describes "sinister cliques and the Bilderberg lobbyists" manipulating the public "to install a world government that knows no borders and is not accountable to anyone but its own self."[34]
G. William Domhoff, a research professor in psychology and sociology who studies theories of power,[46] sees the role of international relations forums and social clubs such as the Bilderberg group as a place to share ideas, reach consensus, and create social cohesion within a power elite.[47] He adds that this understanding of forums and clubs such as the Bilderberg group fits with the perceptions of the members of the elite. Domhoff warns progressives against getting distracted by conspiracy theories which demonize and scapegoat such forums and clubs.[47] He argues that the opponents of progressivism in the United States are conservatives within the corporate elite and the Republican Party.[47] It is more or less the same people who belong to forums and clubs such as the Bilderberg group, but it puts them in their most important roles, as capitalists and political leaders, which are visible and therefore easier to fight.[47]
Author James McConnachie comments that conspiracy theorists have a point, but that they fail to communicate it effectively.[48] He argues that the Bilderberg group acts in a manner consistent with a global conspiracy, but does so without the same "degree of nefariousness", a difference not appreciated by conspiracy theorists, who "tend to see this cabal as outright evil."[1] McConnachie concludes: "Occasionally you have to give credit to conspiracy theorists who raise issues that the mainstream press has ignored. It's only recently that the media has picked up on the Bilderbergers. Would the media be running stories if there weren't these wild allegations flying around?"[1]
gangleri (IP-tala skráð) 15.4.2012 kl. 17:38
"Occasionally you have to give credit to conspiracy theorists who raise issues that the mainstream press has ignored. It's only recently that the media has picked up on the Bilderbergers."
Gangleri, þetta hjá þér segir svo sem ekki neitt, en hver tekur eitthvað mark á wikipedia?
Þegar að sjálfur Etienne Davignon hefur viðurkennt það allt saman
"Etienne Davignon, Chairman of the Bildreberg Group and former EU Commissioner, revealed in March of 2009 that Euro was debated and planned at Bilderberg conferences." (The Global Economic Crisis, The Great Depression of the XXI Century eftir Michel Chossudovsky og Andrew Gavin Marshall, bls 269)
sjá einnig
Bilderberg and the European Union
Joseph Retinger, one of the founders of the Bilderberg Group, was also one of the original architects of the European Common Market and a leading intellectual champion of European integration. In 1946, he told the Royal Institute of International Affairs (the British counterpart and sister organization of the Council on Foreign Relations), that Europe needed to create a federal union and for European countries to “relinquish part of their sovereignty.” Retinger was a founder of the European Movement (EM), a lobbying organization dedicated to creating a federal Europe. Retinger secured financial support for the European Movement from powerful US financial interests such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Rockefellers.[19] Important to note is that following World War II, the CFR’s main finances came from the Carnegie Corporation, Ford Foundation and most especially, the Rockefeller Foundation.[20]
Apart from Retinger, the founder of the Bilderberg Group and the European Movement, another ideological founder of European integration was Jean Monnet, who founded the Action Committee for a United States of Europe (ACUE), an organization dedicated to promoting European integration, and he was also the major promoter and first president of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the precursor to the European Common Market.[21]
Declassified documents (released in 2001) showed that “the US intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum for a united Europe. It funded and directed the European federalist movement.”[22] The documents revealed that, “America was working aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into a European state. One memorandum, dated July 26, 1950, gives instructions for a campaign to promote a fully-fledged European parliament. It is signed by Gen William J Donovan, head of the American wartime Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the CIA.” Further, “Washington's main tool for shaping the European agenda was the American Committee for a United Europe, created in 1948. The chairman was Donovan, ostensibly a private lawyer by then,” and “the vice-chairman was Allen Dulles, the CIA director in the Fifties. The board included Walter Bedell Smith, the CIA's first director, and a roster of ex-OSS figures and officials who moved in and out of the CIA. The documents show that ACUE financed the European Movement, the most important federalist organisation in the post-war years.” Interestingly, “the leaders of the European Movement - Retinger, the visionary Robert Schuman and the former Belgian prime minister Paul-Henri Spaak - were all treated as hired hands by their American sponsors. The US role was handled as a covert operation. ACUE's funding came from the Ford and Rockefeller foundations as well as business groups with close ties to the US government.”[23]
The European Coal and Steel Community was formed in 1951, and signed by France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Newly released documents from the 1955 Bilderberg meeting show that a main topic of discussion was “European Unity,” and that “the discussion affirmed complete support for the idea of integration and unification from the representatives of all the six nations of the Coal and Steel Community present at the conference.” Further, “A European speaker expressed concern about the need to achieve a common currency, and indicated that in his view this necessarily implied the creation of a central political authority.” Interestingly, “a United States participant confirmed that the United States had not weakened in its enthusiastic support for the idea of integration, although there was considerable diffidence in America as to how this enthusiasm should be manifested. Another United States participant urged his European friends to go ahead with the unification of Europe with less emphasis upon ideological considerations and, above all, to be practical and work fast.”[24] Thus, at the 1955 Bilderberg Group meeting, they set as a primary agenda, the creation of a European common market.[25]
In 1957, two years later, the Treaty of Rome was signed, which created the European Economic Community (EEC), also known as the European Community. Over the decades, various other treaties were signed, and more countries joined the European Community. In 1992, the Maastricht Treaty was signed, which created the European Union and led to the creation of the Euro. The European Monetary Institute was created in 1994, the European Central Bank was founded in 1998, and the Euro was launched in 1999. Etienne Davignon, Chairman of the Bilderberg Group and former EU Commissioner, revealed in March of 2009 that the Euro was debated and planned at Bilderberg conferences.[26]
The European Constitution (renamed the Lisbon Treaty) was a move towards creating a European superstate, creating an EU foreign minister, and with it, coordinated foreign policy, with the EU taking over the seat of Britain on the UN Security Council, representing all EU member states, forcing the nations to “actively and unreservedly” follow an EU foreign policy; set out the framework to create an EU defence policy, as an appendage to or separate from NATO; the creation of a European Justice system, with the EU defining “minimum standards in defining offences and setting sentences,” and creates common asylum and immigration policy; and it would also hand over to the EU the power to “ensure co-ordination of economic and employment policies”; and EU law would supercede all law of the member states, thus making the member nations relative to mere provinces within a centralized federal government system.[27]
The Constitution was largely written up by Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, former President of the French Republic from 1974 to 1981. Giscard d’Estaing also happens to be a member of the Bidlerberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, and is also a close friend of Henry Kissinger, having co-authored papers with him.
The Treaty, passed in 2009, created the position of President of the European Council, who represents the EU on the world stage and leads the Council, which determines the political direction of the EU. The first President of the European Council is Herman Van Rompuy, former Prime Minister of Belgium. On November 12, 2009, a small Bilderberg meeting took place, hosted by Viscount Etienne Davignon (Chairman of the Bilderberg Group), and including “international policymakers and industrialists,” among them, Henry Kissinger. Herman Von Rompuy “attended the Bilderberg session to audition for the European job, calling for a new system of levies to fund the EU and replace the perennial EU budget battles.”[28] Following his selection as President, Van Rompuy gave a speech in which he stated, “We are going through exceptionally difficult times: the financial crisis and its dramatic impact on employment and budgets, the climate crisis which threatens our very survival; a period of anxiety, uncertainty, and lack of confidence. Yet, these problems can be overcome by a joint effort in and between our countries. 2009 is also the first year of global governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis; the climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.”[29]
As indicated from leaks of the recent 2011 Bilderberg meeting in Switzerland, the euro-zone is in a major crisis, and Bilderberg members are struggling to keep the house of glass from shattering to pieces. One major subject discussed at this year’s meeting, according to Bilderberg investigative journalist, Daniel Estulin (who reportedly has inside sources in the meetings who leak information, which has proved quite accurate in the past), the Bilderberg meeting discussed the situation of Greece, which is likely to only get worse, with another bailout on the horizon, continuing social unrest, and a possible abandonment of the euro. The problems of Greece, Ireland and the wider global economy as a whole were featured in this year’s discussions.[30] Representatives from Greece this year included George Papaconstantinou, the Greek Minister of Finance, among several bankers and businessmen.[31]
Among the EU power players attending this years meeting was the first President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy, who was appointed as President following an invitation to a private Bilderberg meeting in November of 2009, at which he gave a speech advocating for EU-wide taxes, allowing the EU to not rely exclusively upon its member nations, but have its “own resources.”[32] Van Rompuy, who previously stated that, “2009 is also the first year of global governance,” is no surprise guest at Bilderberg.Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 15.4.2012 kl. 22:37
As indicated from leaks of the recent 2011 Bilderberg meeting in Switzerland, the euro-zone is in a major crisis, and Bilderberg members are struggling to keep the house of glass from shattering to pieces. One major subject discussed at this year’s meeting, according to Bilderberg investigative journalist, Daniel Estulin (who reportedly has inside sources in the meetings who leak information, which has proved quite accurate in the past), the Bilderberg meeting discussed the situation of Greece, which is likely to only get worse, with another bailout on the horizon, continuing social unrest, and a possible abandonment of the euro. The problems of Greece, Ireland and the wider global economy as a whole were featured in this year’s discussions.[30] Representatives from Greece this year included George Papaconstantinou, the Greek Minister of Finance, among several bankers and businessmen.[31]
Among the EU power players attending this years meeting was the first President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy, who was appointed as President following an invitation to a private Bilderberg meeting in November of 2009, at which he gave a speech advocating for EU-wide taxes, allowing the EU to not rely exclusively upon its member nations, but have its “own resources.”[32] Van Rompuy, who previously stated that, “2009 is also the first year of global governance,” is no surprise guest at Bilderberg. Other key EU officials who attended this year’s meeting were Joaquín Almunia, a Vice President of the European Commission; Frans van Daele, Chief of Staff to European Council President Van Rompuy; Neelie Kroes, a Vice President of the European Commission; and of course, Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank.[33]
Þorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skráð) 15.4.2012 kl. 22:58
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